Title: DARSOMBRA - Climax Community/Polyvision [Malaysia Tour Edition 2018]
Cover Design/Layout: Darsombra
Format: Full Length Cassette
Label: Dogma Artistic Guerrilla
Distributor: Dogma Artistic Guerrilla
Price: RM15 (by hand) + RM10 (PosLaju & Handling), USD10 postpaid (World).
Pressing Info: 100 copies
Release Date: August 16th, 2018
Status: 5 copies left.
Album Info: To mark the auspicious occasion of US-based Darsombra's first Southeast Asia tour, Dogma Artistic Guerrilla has released the last two albums, Climax Community (2012) and Polyvision (2016) together for the first time on cassette specially made for the Malaysia legs! Defying genre; their sound is equal parts metal, prog, psych, drone, experimental and noise. Incorporating guitar works, loops, vocals, synthesizer, gong and voice. Both sides total playing time within 89:30 minutes! Certainly for the fans of Om, Pink Floyd & Earth!!!